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The comments below are taken from from the website in an article titled, What Does God Say About Giving?

The word “give” in the Bible is the Greek word didomi, which means “to offer, to present.” It’s used over a thousand times in Scripture, often translated as “gift” or “grant.” One can use the word multiple ways, but it always has a connotation of generosity.

What is giving according to the Bible? In the Old Testament, the word is used to describe everything from God leading people into the Promised Land (Exodus 15:17) to Abraham offering up Isaac (Genesis 22:9), illustrating God’s faithfulness and the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his only son.

Giving in the New Testament was explained in Jesus’ teachings on love and forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35). Peter asked how many times he should forgive someone, and Jesus replied, “seventy-seven times.” In this context, God wants us to keep giving the gift of forgiveness, even when it’s complicated or repetitive.

In all contexts, the Bible uses the word didomi to describe situations wherein people generously give, even when it costs them dearly. Whether it’s a manifestation of God’s character or the godliness of His people, didomi is about offering a valuable gift to others.

The Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7), as He is more pleased with those who give willingly and joyfully than those who give begrudgingly or out of obligation. Being a cheerful giver also means you’re not worried about losing anything because you know that God will continue to sustain you.